Friday, April 13th
Good Friday

Today Love was poured out in sacrificial offering for the salvation of all men, women and children on the face of the earth in every age and of every faith and persuasion, even for those who do not see their need for it and do not seek it.

But it is effective for all who desire a better way than that which they have known and followed . And as My life-blood is poured out for their redemption, new life for eternity is available at their turning. And this life is working continually to change, recreate and transform all who open minds and hearts to receive it.

The cost of this dynamic , radical power for change and re-creation may be seen in token today as millions hold up in their hearts and to the world their suffering, dying Saviour.

But let two tremendous, fundamental truths be deeply and fully understood, shared and made universally known. First, My risen, Incarnate Being is present in each and every occasion of suffering, both individual and corporate, offering comfort, significance and ultimateprofit from all that is endured in faith and trust ands hope. And secondly ,every hurt suffered, offered in loving identification with My sacrifice today, becomes a part of My saving work for mankind.