Monday, April 30th
Jesus said
to the people, "Do not work for
food that cannot last, but for food
that endures to eternal life ….You
must believe in the One the Father
has sent."
Without the commitment there is
no beginning; without the right
means there is no way or perfection.
And I am the Initiative, the Salvation,
and the Life-giver. I am the Threshold
of joy and the Advocate of all who
come into the Father's Presence.
As I have secured man's salvation
through love and self-giving, so
must all who would progress to eternal
life offer themselves without any
reserve to their self-giving to
Me in love.
And as they daily learn from Me
the meaning of self-giving in love
and in the light and power of Our
Holy Spirit to commit themselves
to all that they discover and are
given to do and suffer, so do they
prosper and mature. As their life
is hidden in My heart, they grow
in grace and in the power of My
Indwelling. Though they are confronted
by problems, pain and sorrow, these
serve only to refine their souls
and bind Our beloved ones to the
source of all life and love.
Every child of man is potentially
a child of the Father in and through
My love.