Thursday, April 12th
Jesus came
to Nazareth and went in to the synagogue
. He stood up to read and found the
place where it is written, "The
Spirit of the Lord has been given
me… proclaim the Lord's
year of favour". ….And
He sat down and said to them,
"Today is this Scripture fulfilled
in your ears"
The favour of the Most High is
towards the children of men for
He has created them in His Name
to become His favoured sons and
daughters and to glorify His Name
for ever.
But the blessing of freedom and
choice involves the right to reject
the glorious destiny which the Lord
of all life yearns to bestow upon
each and every one. And today the
Son of the Most High offered Himself
once and for all to be a ransom
for many.
And so every child of the Father
is called to become a child of the
Father cleansed and renewed through
my loving self-giving even unto
death. And he is challenged in hope
and joy through My agony in the
Garden of Olives and the Cross of
Golgotha to become and to do that
which will fulfil and perfect his
humanity. The oil from the Garden
and the blood shed on the Cross
are the sign and the power of this
And the victalling for the soul's
journey through the pilgrimage of
life is provided by the food of
My Presence, taken to the heart
of the being of each and every soul
which feeds on my body and blood
by faith with thanksgiving.