Tuesday, April 10th
Jesus said, "Now has the Son of Man been glorified ,and in Him God has been glorified. If God has been glorified in Him, God will glorify Him in Himself"
John 13:31

As the Incarnate Son glorified the Father in and through His life and teaching, now is He to glorify Him by His death. And all is in love for love and by love: love of the Son for the Father, love of the Father for His beloved children which is also the love of the Son in the Father's children. And the love between the Father and Son and redeemed, sanctified children of the Father is of the essence and substance of Our total Godhead, the power and the fire of its Being. And through it is through death that all is accomplished.

So as the Son is glorified through His loving obedience, and the Father through the life and obedience even unto death of His beloved Son, so are both glorified in the faithful lives of the children of the Father. Such is made possible through the loving design of the Father before time was, the Son's self-giving in love and Our loving Holy spirit in illumining and empowering. And as We are glorified in them, so are they able to share in the glorious life of eternity, where angels and archangels and the whole company of the redeemed and sanctified rejoice in the glory of Our Being for evermore.