Sunday, October 8th
Jesus told the Disciples a parable about the need to pray continually and never lose heart
Luke 18:1

Your prayer must be as continuous and as strong as life itself. If you cease to breathe you die: when you interrupt that conscious relationship which men call prayer there is a cessation of growth in the spirit. And the loss is felt widely.

Let it be understood that prayer is primarily orientation and commitment. He who is turned towards the Father with hands outstretched in complete self-giving is praying in depth. The sick person who offers mind and body in weakness and suffering prays deeply. And he who can offer only a mind fraught with doubt and difficulties but offers these things in humility and love and self-giving prays in faith.

Prayer is for building up the soul-life in its relationship with Him who called it into being and sustains it, and for integrating that life in the whole of the Father's creation. So he who prays with faithful commitment unites himself with the Source of all Being and unites him in purpose and power with the heart of All Being.

So it is vital to unite the heart and the will with Him who creates, sustains, encircles with love and progresses to eternity.

So pray.