Tuesday, October 24th
St. Anthony Claret, Bishop
Jesus proclaimed the good news from God, "The time has come", He said, "and the Kingdom of God is close at hand . Repent and believe the good news"
Mark 1:14-15

In and through My Saving Name the Kingdom has been established for all times and for all people. This is the good news which resounds from the beginning of time even to and through eternity, for it establishes the one and many before the throne of the Most High according to the disposition and commitment of each child of their Heavenly Father.

But commitment is of the essence , a continual turning towards and into the light of Our Holy Spirit for cleansing, orientation and enfiring.

And growth will come as day follows night, in due time. For shall I not be at the centre of the centre of each heart and mind, fostering and furthering the progress of each committed one ? As I embrace and lead and fill, so will the causes which the Father requires be progressed and His many other ones be furthered.

This is a cause for rejoicing. Be joyful.