Sunday, October 29th
Jesus said to Nicodemus, "In truth, in very truth I tell you,
unless a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God…….
the wind blows where it wills. So with everyone born from the Spirit.
John 3:3,8

The faculties of man are given him to equip him to take up his humanity and to live responsibly and intelligently in the natural world : all are gifts bestowed upon him to survive and accommodate himself in the Father's world.

But man is unique in that world for he is created for joyful communion with his Creator, and he is called to active participation in the progress and achievement of creation. So does he need the mind and spirit which initiates and promotes that loving purpose and he must desire and seek this with all his might, as he is created.

Yet he must see and understand that only in the poverty of unbeing and unknowing can the gift of life in the spirit be sought and bestowed. Without a searching and a clearing and sealing of the channels of natural resources of mind and heart he cannot receive the gift of the spirit nor participate profitably and constructively in the loving purpose of the Father.

The loving Heavenly Father imbues with His spirit of love and fire all who in all races and spiritual commitments submit their hearts and minds to his will and purpose. And He binds together in Him for time and eternity all who submit to that within themselves which witnesses to His loving purpose.