Thursday, October 26th

There are no dangers or setbacks in the Father's earth which cannot be encompassed by your Heavenly Father and His children kept safe from harm. As His will prevails so does His protection and that is the prevailing continuum. So trust and jettison all anxiety in every circumstance of ife and living

But the whole person must be rooted and grounded in integrity, orientated in the way of our loving Holy Spirit. Faith and trust must be the watchwords and the attitude towards all that befalls.

So shall the loving, committed child of the Father progress in the Kingdom of His love, contributing profitably and constructively as it is given him whether the responsibilities are small or great.

The Father's love is ever seeking to encompass and interpenetrate every one of His beloved children, and to retrieve those who have wandered into arid places , to love into joyful union with Him the rebellious and self-destructive spirits . In this work of salvation He seeks to enyoke those who rejoice in My saving Name, for these can become the highways of Our dynamic spirit, and frequently do.