Monday, October 16th
Jesus said, "Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites so will
the Son of Man be to this generation"
Luke 11:30-31

Each one of the Father's beloved children who has ever lived is a sign to his generation , a showing forth of the power and the glory and the love of the Father and the response of the living soul to that which he has seen and known. One day all will be understood in the clear light of Our Holy Spirit, the merciful love of Out Godhead perceived.

It is a loving charge laid upon every one of the children of the Father to follow the lead which each has implanted in his mind and heart so that he becomes that which is given him to become and fulfils all that is put before him. All are free to follow , step aside or turn way. Alas, many do , though not a few retrace their steps led by Our loving Holy Spirit and take their place in the way . All at some time falter and fall short and are retrieved and loved back into action as they penitently and humbly retrace their steps . And all is a part of their growth.

The Son of Man has been a sign to every generation since the world began and ever will be. For a brief time He trod the earth of men and took His manhood to the highest heaven in the eternal Presence of the Father. So does His know and understand and suffer and identify and quicken and redeem and love into redemption as He is given leave by each son of man. He became a sign to you that you may become a sign for the children of men.