Wednesday, October 11th
One of Jesus' Disciples said to Him , "Lord, teach us to pray. He said to them, "say this when you pray, 'Father, May your Name be held holy'"
Luke 11:1-13

Let not the knowledge and growing realisation of the overwhelming love of the Father affect your honouring of His Name and Presence. For to honour Him is to establish your own proper approach to yourself and to the world He has loved into existence. So will you have heed to all that emerges from His word and His glory and His purpose.

And from a proper approach and loving, humble obedience to all that you hear and see and receive will come, in the course of time, your own holiness. Yet it will not be yours but the Father's , an early taste of the reward of eternity for all who are faithful.

And this touch of holiness, which is the reward of all the faithful, will be seen by uncommitted children of the Father as the hem of His garment : I will draw many to His Presence who seek that which they only dimly perceive.

From that attraction will come an extension of the Kingdom of the Father on earth and the enrichment of many if the children of light.

So pray daily that the Father may be held holy amongst the people around you, and let His joy and light shine in your heart and mind that they may be drawn to honour His holy Name