Wednesday, April 26th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "I am the true vine and My Father is the vine-dresser……make your home in Me as I make Mine in you. I am he vine, you are the branches…….whoever remains in Me with Me in Him bears plenty of fruit."
John 15:1, 4-5

Endowed with the peace which passes knowledge, the light and power of Our Holy Spirit, and encompassed and indwelt by Our loving Presence the Kingdom of the Father is the vine, and all is continuously working to prefect each part in the whole. The children of the Father are called into being to know fulfilment and joy in their own being , in their relationship with that which impinges upon their being, and in the context of the whole. And their unique contribution, freely offered in and through Love, is for the building up of the whole vine into the perfection of the Father This is the glorious challenge and work of the children of the Father . To enable and make this possible I lived on earth and suffered , rose again and live now in the hearts and minds of those who commit themselves to the Father's love. And those who deny their humanity and embrace evil do so because they choose death rather than life : for them I died, for them I suffer to the end of time, and for them Our faithful ones must continually pray and care, as it is shown and given them. Remain in Me that Our love may grow and increase in you. So will you bear much fruit and your joy will be full.