Monday, April 2nd
Jesus said, " Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me , even so I send you."
John 20:21

All life is one : the Father and I are one and I seek to be united with His beloved children on earth as I am one with Him in all things, all places and all times.

Realise this unity by receiving the peace which passes all knowledge . And the open secret concerning the conditions of receiving peace lies in the seeking, finding and the doing of the Father's will in all things.

Peace of mind and of heart is what the Father desires for each and every one of His children , but it is not to be regarded as an absence of progress or even of pain. Many who have possessed the peace which the Father gives to the faithful wayfarers have suffered great things yet remained steadfast in love and trust.

They who are faithful in love and trust shall abide with the Father for ever through My saving grace and the power of Our Holy Spirit. And all the faithful of all ages and commitment will rejoice with Him and with each other for ever.