Sunday, April 23rd
When they had finished breakfast Jesus said to Simon,"Simon, do you love Me more than these ? …….Feed My lambs……rend My sheep"
John 21:15-17

There is no greater witness to the depth of loving than service to the beloved. And the beloved children of the Father who tend and feed My lambs and sheep are experiencing and manifesting and exercising love not only to those to whom they minister but to My very Self besides.

And the love wherewith they love and minister is of Me, indeed it is the very substance of My Being. So loving and being and doing are all one growing, mighty act of becoming and of being. The Father and I are one in this great dynamic action. So all who are in Me are in Him also and in each other. Regard the simplicity and the profundity and the cosmic reach and extent of this tremendous fact of progressive, loving activity in the movement towards perfection in joy in and throughout eternity. All is moving towards that perfection for all who desire it and give themselves to be fashioned in, by and through love is the service of love and for love’s fulfilment.

Follow me at all times and in all things and all will be accomplished.