Wednesday, April
Jesus said,
"I, the light, have come into
the world so that whoever believes
in Me need not stay in the dark any
There is a darkness which is of
not knowing, and a darkness of not
doing when the light of knowledge
is present. Both are states of separation
from the Source of light and those
who dwell in the shades are outside
joy and fulfilment.
I am the Light of the world. He
who walks with Me is never in darkness
, however hard the way. For I lead
him by the hand so that he does
not stumble. I give him stability
and sureness and I raise his eyes
in the going to the light which
can always be seen beyond the hills
and dark valleys.
No one need dwell in darkness,
for I am never far from any child
of the Father. And I make Myself
known to the true of heart in many
guises, enlighten the hearts, the
minds of all who seek a better way
than the one they have known before.
And those who act contrary to that
which they know to be right have
but to stop in their tracks and
ask forgiveness . Then life and
joy are restored in the way.