Saturday, April 15th
Jesus said, "It is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life"
John 6:53

The flesh is that which is created by the Father to be the cradle of His Word and Holy Spirit. And in its innocence it is holy : such implants from its human family which would by the nature of things work against its well being can be transformed by blessing and prayer and dedication.

And in the process of growth the flesh must be tended and trained into discipline and development by parents, teachers and the willing co-operation of the soul within. Those of the Father's children who travel this way are blessed indeed. They become the centre from which Our life works, heals, teaches, leads and consoles.

Every one of the Father's beloved children the world over in every nation, tribe and community must needs understand the right relationship between body and soul for the well-being of each and of the community. Indeed the very survival of the world requires it. Many of the Father's beloved children in the West have wandered from a proper understanding of the basic fundamental truth, and needs must it for themselves, for their community and for the world.