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Saturday, April
Jesus said
to His Disciples, "Whatsoever
you ask for in Me Name I will do,
so that the Father may be glorified
in the Son. If you ask anything in
My Name I will do it"
And so I say to you and to all
who are committed to walk in the
way of your Heavenly Father through
My saving love in the light and
power of Our Holy Spirit.If you
seek the will of the Father you
will desire first of all to become
that which He designed you to become
since before the beginning of time.
And I am come into the world to
save and to perfect, in and through
My saving love, all who look to
me in faith and trust and love.And
in the fulfilment and perfection
of that which you are designed to
become you will discover increasingly
that unique part of the Father's
loving will and purpose which it
is your responsibility and joyful
challenge to work through in the
days and years and relationships
of your life. Have you not known
and experienced My Presence and
My loving empowering, My direction
and My encouragement in all that
has been undertaken in obedience
? And will it not continue to the
end ? From where does this yearning
come which you find in the centre
of your being as you progress along
the way - the yearning to reveal
to the Father's beloved children
of your time and Country the things
which belong to their peace? Do
not doubt that Our loving purpose
to bring all who seek the perfection
of their own souls and of their
society will be brought to fruition
through the dynamic of Our love
and through the commitment and faithfulness
of the beloved children of your
loving Heavenly Father.