Wednesday, January 6th
1 John 4:11-18. Mark 6:45-52

As I live in you and you in Me so do you grow in grace and in the power of Our love. Be strengthened and fulfilled in this knowledge, especially when circumstances seem contrary to your hope and expectation. All things work together for good for all who love the Father and seek His will in all things.

All shall be well, all things shall be well and all manner of things shall be well for the faithful to the Father’s word and trusting in His Love. You and all the Father’s beloved sons and daughters are enfolded in His love; those who seek His will and loving purpose and continue faithful in the Way are given light and power to know it and are brought to perfection and fulfilment in Hs Presence in the fulness of eternity.

Glorify the Father in all things and let the power of His Presence in your heart and mind strengthen and fortify you in the Way.