Thursday, December 14th
1 Samuel 4:1-11. Mark 1:40-45

‘Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it. (Luke 11:28). Yet even in obedience there may be suffering. The Son of Man who sought the Father’s will in all things was obedient even unto death. ‘Although He was a Son He learned obedience through what He suffered’ (Hebrews 5:80).

Have faith and trust in every circumstance as you seek the Father’s will and offer your whole self to obey it in the grace and power of Our love. Believe and trust. The Father seeks to bring each one of His beloved sons and daughters into His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love to have health and wholeness in their whole being; and all continuing faithful in the Way are called to be Our healing and enwholing love to others through My indwelling and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.