Friday, January 15th
1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22. Mark2:1-12

Pray to the Most High with every fibre of your being to know the Father’s will and for grace and power to do it in and through His Love. His love is for the well-being, growth and progress of each and every one of His beloved sons and daughters and for the bonding in and through His love of the one and many and all together in fulfilling His loving purpose in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love.

Peace of mind and heart are given as they are sought in and through Our love and peace in community and between nations as forgiveness for past failures is sought and obedience to the Father’s will an loving purpose in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.
Pray ‘maranatha’ and give yourself to Him who heals, restores and empowers you in His love and service.