Monday, January 4th
1 John 3:7-10. John 1:35-42

‘Love of the Father, love of God the Son, from whom all came, in whom was all begun, who formest heavenly beauty out of strife, creation’s whole desire and breath of life’.*

Follow in the steps of the Son of Man as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit: I am the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Light of the world and the Good shepherd leading all who are in Me and I in them to the Father. And I seek and save – in and through Our Holy Spirit – all who turn and return to the fold of the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love, worship, and Him who loved them into being.

‘Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you’; and ‘be holy because I am holy’, says the Lord your God’. Pray ‘maranatha’, come Lord, come’.
( Leviticus 20:26. Matthew 7:7. )

(*Words written in the twelfth century, translated and paraphrased by Robert Bridges.)