Sunday, January 10th
The Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7. Acts 10:34-38. Luke 3:15-16,21-22

Loved into the world by the Most High you and all born into His world are called to be His redeemed and sanctified sons and daughters: such is His will and loving purpose.

Spoken before time was or anything created I am the Father’s Word, His love and His power in and through Our Holy Spirit. In time I entered in the Father’s created world and became His Word and Love Incarnate to redeem and save and – in and through Our Holy Spirit – endow His beloved sons and daughters with power to know and do Hs will as they respond to the grace and power of My Indwelling.

And I, the Son of Man, was baptised and received the Holy Spirit to glorify the Father and seek His will and loving purpose. So are you and every one of His beloved sons and daughters called and given power to follow in the Way we open up through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit as you continue faithful in the Way.