February 5th
St. Agatha
1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Luke 9:23-26.
(Hebrews 12;1-4)
The Cross is power to save as it
is received in faith and trust and
carried in the grace and power of
My redeeming, sanctifying love.
As you respond to the Father’s
will in absolute self-giving so
are you given the privilege of sharing
in the Cross born by the Son of
Man and participate in His loving
purpose for and in His world. I
the Son of Man, the Father’s
Word and Love Incarnate, speak to
all continuing faithful in the way,
led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.
As you remain in Me and I in you
I am your wisdom, virtue, holiness
and freedom, for so the Father as
appointed. The Father is in Me and
I in him and all who are in me and
I in them are in the Father too.
And as I am identified in heart
and mind and daily followed according
to he Father’s will and loving
purpose so is the Father’s
Kingdom extended in His world by
one and many, and many there are
in the world today faithful in their
following and obedient in the way.
Renounce your self, then, and take
up your cross daily and follow Me
that you may share the power and
glory of My risen life.