Wednesday, February 20th
Jonah 3:1-10. Luke 11:29-32

Let there be no doubt, no misunderstanding by any one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters. The Most High, father of one and all in every place and time and dispensation, speaks to one and all: each one has a different call to action but all are called to respond as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. And all is for drawing the one and many into the Kingdom of eternal life and light and love according to the will and loving purpose of Him who loved them into being and for progressing them in the way of holiness, wholeness and perfection in His love.

Be constantly alert to the word spoken in your heart and mind: the Father’s word speaks constantly to one and all. Do not delay or procrastinate – each moment is precious, every hour part of the means offered to respond and for progress in the way. Praise, thank and glorify the Most High in your heart and mind and identify with others in the way, the truth, the life offered you.