Friday, February 22nd
Esther 4:1-5, 12-14. (or Isaiah 55: 6-9) Matthew 7:7-12)

You are called to holiness and perfection in and through the grace and power of Him who is the image of the invisible God - through His life and death and risen life and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit.

Put on the garment of salvation and respond to the word in your heart and mind: such is the Father’s will and loving purpose for every one of His beloved sons and daughters.

I, beloved and loving Son of the Most High lord of all am His love incarnate and His incarnate word and with and through Our Holy Spirit bring all who are in Me and I in them to perfection and fulfilment in the Father’s loving purpose as they continue faithful and obedient in the way in the grace and power of Our indwelling. ‘.As He who has called you is holy be holy yourselves in all your conduct , for it I written ‘You shall be holy , for I am holy’ (1 Peter 1:16. Leviticus 11:44).