Monday, February 4th
Hebrews 11:32-40. Mark 5:1-20

Through The Word you are cleansed and purified: I speak to one, I speak to all. Through The Word you are redeemed as you respond and seek your heavenly Father’s will and loving purpose. And you are sanctified as you give yourself to Him who loved you into being and calls you to His Presence and to service in His world through Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Become what you are called to be and to do those things which you are called to do as you continue faithful in Our love and obedient to The Word. And let the Father's Word speak through you, strengthen and empower you in the way and bring you to perfection and fulfilment in and through the grace and power of Our indwelling. I, the beloved and loving Son of the Most High, His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love promise it for so the Father has promised all continuing faithful to the end.