Monday, February 18th
Leviticus 19:1-2,11-18. Matthew 25:1-46

Look and listen for the word the Father speaks to every one of His beloved sons and daughters. Give yourself - your whole self, body, mind and spirit - to Him who loved you into being: such is your reasonable response and the means, in and through the grace and power of Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

When Love becomes the power and glory in the one and many - individuals, communities and peoples - then will the hungry ones be fed, the weary ones refreshed and the needy be given the means of their well-being and fulfilment.

It is the will and loving purpose of the loving heavenly Father, lord of all on earth and in heaven, that all responding to His love and word in them should` become Our word and love to others as they welcome Our Presence in their heart and mind and respond as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.