Sunday, February 3rd
Nehemiah 8:2-6,8-10. 1 Corinthians 1:12-30. Luke 1:1-4,4:14-21

The Word is present in the heart and mind, communities and peoples, waiting to be identified, recognised and made the linchpin of all thought and action and the means of perfection and fulfilment in the Most High, Lord of all. The Most High waits, His Love Incarnate waits and Our Holy Spirit is ever present to welcome, strengthen, fortify and progress in the way offered by and in and through the Word of the Most High, Lord of all and ruler in all creation.

The whole creation awaits the response of the one and many to the Word continually and constantly spoken to the beloved sons and daughters of the Most High that His will and loving purpose be fulfilled in them and in His world and the joy and glory of his Presence seen and known and made their joy and glory in Him, in each other and in His world.

All waits upon the response of the one and many. Respond, then, one and all, to the dynamic Eternal Word in the grace and power of Everlasting Love.