Friday, October 7th
Joel 1:13-15. 2:1-2. Luke 11:15-26

The power of true knowledge wisdom and understanding is given to all who let Our Holy Spirit guide, protect and lead them, and through My indwelling as I am welcomed into heart and mind. In the darkness of the unenlightened mind and the soul uncommitted to truth as it is revealed to them let it be realised and fully understood that it is the will and loving purpose of the Most High, Lord of All, that not one of His beloved sons and daughters should perish but enter, grow and prosper in eternal life. But all are free to choose to enter in the Kingdom of eternal life and light and love or to turn away and be lost in the darkness of their own making.

Let one and all be challenged by truth continually offered and in humility turn and receive power to return to the Source of their enabling and empowering.

It is written ‘in returning and rest you shall be saved: in quietness and trust shall be your strength’