Monday, October 3rd
Jonah 1:1-2:11. Luke 10:25-37

All born into the world of the Most High are children of Hs love, each one called to grow into the fulness of His will and loving purpose for them and to contribute to the well-being of the one and many as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

Pray that the compassion of your heavenly Father, Lord of All in heaven and earth, may enter in your heart and mind and into families, communities and nations, into all responding to His word and all who have not yet related to it.

The material and spiritual well-being of each and all together is the will and loving purpose of the Lord of All. All faithful in the way and obedient to His word as it is continually offered are brought to fulfilment in what they given to do and to become in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love. And they are given to glorify the Lord of glory and compassion in the fulness of eternity.