Monday, October 24th
Romans 8:12-17. Luke 13:17

The Son of the Most High, risen, ascended, glorified works constantly in the Father’s world to heal and liberate and – with and through Our Holy Spirit – perfect and fulfil all who look to Him in faith and trust and self-giving. Come, then, to Me (I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters) and I will progress and perfect in you the good purpose of he Father’s perfect will as you continue faithful and obedient in the way Our Holy Spirit leads and guides.

In humility and joy respond to Our Holy Spirit in your heart and mind Realise your glorious heritage in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love: continually glorify Him in your heart and mind and life and pray to be found faithful in your following.

So will you be as you plant your feet in the footsteps of the Son of Man. He will lead you through all changes, chances, trials and tribulations of this fleeting world to the glorious Presence of the Lord of all, in fellowship with angels, archangels and all made perfect in and through Our love.