Sunday, October 2nd
Isaiah 5:1-7. Philippians 4:6-9. Matthew 21:33-43

Pray to know increasingly the length and depth and height of the substance and the essence of the love of the Most High for His created world and everyone and everything in it and with that knowledge pray to enter in its challenge and its promise.

Peace which passes knowledge enters heart and mind and community of all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Or Holy Spirit. The Kingdom of the Lord of All is already established in the world of his creation: all are called to enter in faith and trust and self-giving and to take the place appointed for them as they respond to the word offered them in the grace ad power of Our love.

Let the unchallenged and uncommitted in eternal life come, and all who, having come, need progress in the way come, enter and make progress in the unfathomable riches of the all-embracing love of the Most High.