Sunday, October 16th
Isaiah 45:4-6. Thessalonians 1:1-5. Matthew 22:15-21

All power is in the hands of your loving heavenly Father, creator and sustainer of all in heaven and earth and ruler of all kingdoms, powers and dominations. He guides all responsive to His word to act according to His will and loving purpose for one and all in the context of the whole.

Let one and all be alert to the word spoken in their heart and mind, ready to respond led and guided by Out Holy Spirit. The will of the Father, Lord of All in earth and heaven, is one and undivided: it is to establish the Kingdom of His Love in the heart and mind of one and all who seek truth and loving service to that which they find as they continue faithful and obedient in the way.

Without truth there is no life or progress in the way: set your heart and mind in commitment to the way of truth that you may have light and life in abundance. I, the Father’ word and love incarnate am the Way, the Truth, the Life.