Tuesday, October 4th
St. Francis of Assisi
Galatians 6:14-18. Matthew 11:25-30

In humility, thanksgiving and love and through My redemptive offering and the sanctifying of Our Holy Spirit present your whole self to the Presence of your heavenly Father, Lord of All Creation. As you are renewed in and through Our love so do you become a bearer of Our love to others through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit - as you continue obedient to the Father’s word and faithful in His love.

All who are in Me are in the Father too for so He has appointed. I, His beloved and loving Son became the Son of Man that all faithful in Our love might be brought to fulfilment in His Presence with and in the perfection that they were given to do and to become.

Pray constantly that the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will be fulfilled in you and in His world, and continually rejoice in the grace and peace and power of Our love.