Wednesday, May 9th
Acts 15:1-6. John 15:1-8

I was in your heart and mind from he beginning as I am in the centre of being in every child of man born into the Father’s world. As I share with the Father the tending and the growth of each so do I share with parents and with the world’s communities the development in caring love and loving care, All neglecting their responsibilities in this are under judgement from Me and from the Father. All harming Our little ones endanger their own souls. How can they enter life eternal which I lived and died to give them?

Come to Me, beloved of Me and of My Father: make your home in Me as I have been in you since the beginning. All life issues from My Presence and I am in the Father, He in Me. It is the Father’s will and loving purpose that you should be a part of the light and growth and dynamic of our life and share it with the one and many as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. So will you become Our fruit and even so produce Our fruit in and through the power of Our indwelling.