May 4th
13:26-33. John 14:1-6
Before time was or worlds created
the Father loved Me into being and
I shared with Him the creation of
all that was or is or ever shall
be and – with and through
Our Holy Spirit, Who is the dynamic
of Our loving, – the re-creation
for and in eternity.
The world created for the sons
of men to glorify the Father and
to share with and in Us the joy
and glory of all that issues from
His being I entered according to
His will and loving purpose. The
Father’s life and light and
word and love to the sons of men
from the beginning became His Word
Incarnate and Incarnate Love. Through
My death and risen life all sons
and daughters of the Father’s
love are offered eternal life in
the power and glory of Eternal Love.
Receive Me into heart and mind,
beloved of Me and of the Father.
Through My indwelling and the light
and guiding of Our Holy Spirit the
way is open, the truth revealed
and the life given. I am The Way,
The Truth, The Life.