Saturday, May 19th
Acts 18:23-28. John 18:23-28

You and all the beloved sons and daughters of the Father’s love are called to union with Him and fellowship with each other in the grace and power of Our love. I, the Firstborn of the Father’s love, with Him in creation before time was, am His creating and His re-creating love within creation. Through My incarnate life and ministry in time and through My death and risen life I offer every child of man that union with the Father and fellowship in love with one another which the Father yearns to give.

In my divine and human person is united the Father’s loving twofold purpose of creation and of re-creation in the fulness of His love. All responsive to My redeeming love are prepared, through the grace and power of my indwelling, to receive the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit.

Let the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will be fulfilled in you through My word and love in you and your welcoming of Our Holy Spirit and faithfulness to Our light and leading in all things.