Tuesday, May 22nd
Acts 20:17-27. John 17:1-11

The glory of the Father is the joy of the whole earth and it is offered to the sons of men through My life and death and in the power of My indwelling. I, the First-Fruit of the Father’s love, am Eternal Life to the sons of men through the sacrifice of my life in love and the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit. But the inestimable gift must be desired and sought in the grace and power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

As I prayed to the Father in he Upper Room before entering into the pain and triumph and the glory of My sacrifice in love and in self-giving so do I ceaselessly pray at the right hand of the Father. And that prayer constantly glorifies the Father and brings all faithfully committed in Our love into His Presence both now and through eternity.

Offer yourself in love and in self-giving as you identify yourself with the Father’s will and loving purpose for you and for His glorious world.