Sunday, May 27th
Feast of Pentecost
Acts 2:1-11. Romans: 8-17. John 14:15-16

Word of the Immortal Word, Love in Eternal Love, I am the conveyor and communicator of Our Holy Spirit. He is one in Us yet distinct in operation. Through My indwelling in the soul the faithfully committed in Our love are brought to the precincts of readiness for the entry of our Holy Spirit to bring the life of Our Total Godhead to its fulness. As the soul responds so does Our loving Holy Spirit enter and complete the cycle of operation of the Father’s will and loving purpose. As with the one so with the many and as with the individual soul so with the community or group. And as with the few so with My Church and all the Father’s people.

And the fulness of Our coming is for the fulfilment and perfection of each individual faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love in the context of the salvation and well-being of all in the Father’s world – indeed, His whole creation.