Monday, May 14th
St. Matthias
Acts 1:15-17. John 15:9-17

All life comes from the Father. He is the Source of all that lives and breathes. It was the Father’s love which brought things into being and which sustains and progresses according to His will and loving purpose.

In and through the Father’s love I, His Son beloved and loving, entered His created world and became the means of progress and perfection for the one and many responding to the Father’s love and identifying with His loving purpose. Love is the substance and the essence of Our Being: through faithfulness in love and obedience in the way all so committed are brought to fulness and perfection in the joy and glory of eternal life and the Presence of Eternal Love.

But love seeks entry now into heart and mind, family, community, nation and all people in the Father’s glorious world. Welcome Love into the centre of your being and let Him prompt your every action and guide you in the way, So will you be given understanding and power to follow as you continue faithful and committed in love and in self-giving.