Thursday, May 3rd
Acts 13:13-25. John 13:16-20

Issuing from the Father’s love before time was I was with Him in creation. Entering the world which He created to glorify His Holy name and the children of His love to be with Him for ever I served the sons of men through example and through the power of My saving death.

As you die to sin and service of the natural self, beloved of the Father and of Me, I enter in your heart and mind. Incarnate Love seeks to make the humble, redeemed and sanctified soul the dwelling place of the Father.

Pray for purity of heart and mind that you may be cleansed and purified through Love and that Our Holy Spirit may empower your whole being for service of the Father and the Father’s world.

I speak to every one in every place and race and time. I am the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love.