Wednesday, May 9th
Acts 12:24-13:5. John 12:44-50

I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, speak the truth in love as it is given and known from the beginning. Through Me is knowledge, understanding, and the way to life eternal.

As I am in the Father so am I the fullness of eternal life and love eternal. Learn to live in love through inviting and welcoming Me into heart and mind. So will you know the peace which passes knowledge and the power to accomplish all the Father wills.

Judgement is default in loving and responding to the Father's will and loving purpose. I came to earth to live a human life, to teach the way of love and self-giving and to die that all might live who know within their hearts and minds the grace and power of Our saving, sanctifying love, and respond to as they are led and guided.

Pray constantly for openness of heart and mind to Our approaches and for generosity and single-mindedness in your response. So shall We lead you into joy and fullness of eternal love in the glorious Presence of the Father and the whole company of Heaven.