Sunday, May 27th
7th. after Easter
Apoc. 22:12-14,16-17,20-21. John 17:20-26

All in Me and I in them I bring to life eternal. And I bring them to the Father's Presence and to the joyful presence of the redeemed and sanctified. All are invited, all challenged, purified and welcomed as they respond in love and faithfulness.

Let nothing keep you from self-giving to Eternal Love. The Father sent Me to His world that His beloved sons and daughters have abundant life; and through My death and risen life I offer it to each and every one.

Come to Me, you seekers after truth and righteousness, and I will fill you with the knowledge and the understanding which you seek. Come to Me all who seek for love, and I will lead you into love abounding and eternal. For with Our Holy Spirit I enfold all responding to Our word and love within their heart and mind and bring them to the Father's Presence with unutterable joy and thanksgiving.

Pray for the unveiling of this glorious mystery within your soul and for the purity of heart and mind, and strength of purpose, to be progressed in it through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.