Thursday, May 31st
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Romans 12:9-16. Luke 1:39-56

Rejoice all you who hear the Father's word and who respond in love and self-giving. So did My Mother, beloved by Me and by countless faithful to the Father's word down two millennia. As you respond through meditation and through faithfulness to all you hear at your soul's centre so will you find that faithfulness is given and power to do the Father's will. (I speak to one , I speak to all ) The dynamic, which is Our loving Presence, will inform, inspire, and enable you to grow into that fullness which the Father willed from the beginning. So will you become a part of His continually growing Kingdom of eternal love: and if, by grace, you are already established in His glorious Kingdom so will you become a valued cornerstone in the great fabric and the structure of Our saving, sanctifying love. Such is the challenge and reward of every faithful son and daughter of the Father, each unique, each valued in what they achieve, and in due time become, through Our Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.