Wednesday, May 30th
Acts 20:28-38. John 17:11-19

I , the Father's Word Incarnate and His Incarnate Love , bring all things to fulfilment in the power of Our saving , sanctifying love . For this I came into the Father's world in all the weakness of humanity. The Father called Me into His beloved world and faithfully I obeyed His will and through My death and risen life fulfilled His loving purpose. This is My purpose too, and My commitment. So has it been from the beginning and shall be till the end of time.

And through My eternal, loving bonding with the Father and Our loving Holy Spirit I, the Father's Son beloved and loving, enfold the world in the dynamic of Our love. And We call each child of man into the challenge and fulfilment of their life in Us. Through growth in knowledge and in understanding, through forgiveness, as they need and seek it, and through all vicissitudes of life and living We are with each son and daughter of the Father. Only those rejecting truth and love and self-giving to the Father and His world themselves destroy their hope of life eternal. Remember these in love and prayer that they may turn to Our enfolding.

Be one with Me in all things as I am one with the loving Heavenly Father.