Wednesday, May 16th
Acts 15:1-6. John 15:1-8

Be centred in Our saving, sanctifying love. I am your life, your light, your progress and fulfilment. Let the light of My Abiding Presence illumine and direct you in the way at all times and in all things. The Father's will is there to be identified, welcomed, and embraced, all else forsaking. This is the way for every child of man: accepting it brings light and life and strength to follow where We lead and guide you. And it brings peace and joy whate'er the outward circumstance.

Await direction and the guidance of Our Holy Spirit. Be strong in faith, committed to Our law of love and self-giving to the Father and to your friends and neighbours. Fear nothing but to fail in this great enterprise of progress to the Father and development in the Kingdom of Eternal Love.

The end is sure and full of hope and immortality. Only trust and ceaselessly pray for faithfulness in all things. All is well in hope and promise and becoming.