Monday, May 21st
Acts 16:11-15. John 15:26-16:4

The Father's word is paramount over His whole world. And His Holy Spirit witnesses to His Word, His Word to His Holy Spirit. The Father's loving purpose is that His beloved sons and daughters be caught up in this most glorious reality and dynamic action. So may they glimpse the mystery and power of All-Being and All-Loving.

Through single-mindedness and self-giving in love the way is offered. Each one must give his individual consent, each has his part to play, each has his unique place in the Father's Kingdom. Love is the way and the fulfilment - the Father's Love Incarnate and His Immanent and Transcendent Word.

Learn from My teaching and patiently wait upon My Presence in your heart and mind. I will enable and empower you to fulfil the Father's loving purpose and do His will in your small corner of His world. Do not fear the present or the future - remember, I am with you always and I have overcome the world.