May 6th
13:43-52. Apoc. 7:9,14-17.
John 10:23-30
No one can know the Father
without the Father's Word
within his heart and mind.
The Father gives His Word
to all who seek the truth
in self-giving. And I, the
Father's Word Incarnate
and Incarnate Love, work
powerfully within the soul
of the faithfully committed,
bringing each one to the
Father through My atoning
sacrifice and through the
sanctifying of Our loving
Holy Spirit.
The Father, Creator of
all that is or was or ever
shall be, calls all His
beloved children into full
and glorious life with Him
and with His whole creation.
Eternal life is life with
Him in depth, both now and
after time shall end, in
the power of Our saving,
sanctifying love. And the
joy no one can imagine who
has not given himself to
Love's Abiding Presence.
Even then he does but
touch the fringe of that
which is in store for him
as he makes progress in
becoming and in doing.
Give time and space to
My Abiding Presence in your
heart and mind.