Tuesday, January 9th
1 John 4:7-10 . Mark 6:34-44

The Father's gift to His beloved world is love: all else proceeds from His creative act in the beginning and in the continuous now. Love is the supreme gift of His Being and of the beginning of all things and all people.

I am the Father's Love Incarnate, Immanent and Transcendent. To become the lifeblood of the sons of men I needs must be invited into heart and mind and constantly be related to in faith and love and self-giving. Then do I become the dynamic of all good action and of all caring love, and of a growing and developing union with Our Godhead. Nearer than hands and feet am I to every truly loving son and daughter of the Father, encouraging the soul in growth and sound development, forgiving when things go awry, sustaining, bringing to the fullness which the Father wills for all the faithfully committed in Our love, Our saving, sanctifying , guiding and illuminating Presence in the heart and mind . Continually the faithful in Our love are fed as they are open to receive all that We offer them .As they seek so do they find; when they fail and falter We restore them in the way as they seek restoration. And above all, the love which is Our Very Presence unites them both with Us and with each, other and brings them joyfully into Our Kingdom of Eternal Love.