Tuesday, January 23rd
Hebrews 10:1-10

The Father seeks to do in you all that He wills and purposes: this is your joy and your perfection. And He desires, as you respond in faithfulness and love, to use you in His service for His Kingdom. Such is the challenge and the joy of all the faithfully committed in Our saving, sanctifying love; but it must be a total offering of self, a constant readiness to become and do all that the Father wills, as it is perceived and understood. This is gradually discovered through prayer and self-giving in love and service. Through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit progress is made in becoming and in doing. Such is the purpose of all life and living: the faithful follower glorifies the Father through his faithfulness, loves and honours Me, and serves his fellowmen as he continues faithful . And increasingly he radiates the beauty and the power of Eternal Love.