Monday, January 15th
Sam 15:16-23. Mark 2:18-22
The Father's loving purpose
is for all the sons of men.
He calls each one born into
the world to follow in the
way that he is led and guided.
And how is he to identify
the way as he treads out
his mortal life? By earnestly
desiring the right way,
and in integrity and self-giving.
I am the Way, the Truth,
the Life: all who seek My
Presence in their heart
and mind are given the orientation
for right action and the
light and power to take
it . When they fail or fall
along the way they are restored
by Our saving, sanctifying
love as they seek restoration.
So may they grow through
their experience.
Rejoice in all the Father
gives, and enjoy it to the
full. Time and opportunity
are given for service and
discipline in life and living
as each is led and guided.
Let time and place be set
aside by all for prayer
and meditation: this is
the lifeblood of the soul's
well being and growth. Through
it the Father's will and
loving purpose is identified
and , through the power
of My Indwelling and the
light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit , gradually
related to in faith and